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Digital Applications Award AIDA (ICT) at King James's School

Course description

AIDA is the Award in Digital Appllications. It is the compulsory unit of the DIDA suite of qualifications and covers the core activities of researching, developing and communicating information. The AIDA is a vocational course and concentrates on students learning skills and applications in a realistic context. The AIDA is equivalent to one GCSE. The skills developed are: • word processing, • spreadsheets, • databases, • presentation , • web design. • Level 2 students need to be independent users of ICT applications The qualification will give students basic ICT skills to succeed in education or employment, they will be able to add additional units to the AIDA to make an AIDA plus or DIDA award. Students have the opportunity to study ICT in a real context at Disneyland Paris over the summer half-term. Method of Assessment: AIDA is assessed on screen via an E-portfolio of work. Assessment is totally paperless. The mark is based on an assignment (30 hour practical exam) which is set by the exam board and this is 100% of the final assessment; there is no written examination.

Financial information

Students opting to visit Disneyland Paris will be asked for a contribution to costs of the trip.

Future opportunities

Any IT based career, particularly the media-based areas of IT. Any IT qualification supports students learning and enhances any subject choice as IT skills are so necessary in everyday life and employment.You will have the essential computer skills that are vital for sixth form, higher education and future professions. In ICT you could progress to ICT A-Level studies or a take an ICT related course in a college of further education.

Further information

To find out more about this qualification, contact us, ask your Connexions Personal Adviser or school/college careers staff. Useful web-sites/resources:

Last updated date: 06 January 2012
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Key information

  • Start date: Unknown
  • Duration: 1 year


  • Contact details
    • Address:
    • King James's School
    • HG5 8EB