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Welcome to St Benedict's Catholic High School

St Benedict’s is a small 11-16 mixed Catholic high school, which has 550 pupils and is situated in Alcester.  We serve a catchment area that extends from beyond Stratford to Evesham and Redditch in Worcestershire.

We aim to help provide our pupils, Catholic and non-Catholic, with a spiritual, academic and pastoral environment that will enhance their growth in Christ, encourage them to achieve their full potential and assist them to develop as caring human beings.  St Benedict’s pupils are encouraged to have respect for themselves, for others and for the world about them.

St Benedict’s is known as a family school and we nurture a strong partnership of support between staff, parents and pupils, which helps to create an effective and happy learning environment where all students, whatever their ability, thrive both academically and socially.  This was endorsed on page 4 of our most recent Ofsted Section 5 Inspection Report (6-7 June 2007), where it is stated that "St Benedict's Catholic High is an outstanding school where all pupils thrive and achieve exceptionally high standards in a supportive family environment" and "Every child really does matter at St Benedict's".

Construction of our brand new state-of-the-art Sixth Form centre started in April 2010 and is well underway and on schedule to be completed in June 2011, in good time for our first post-16 students in September 2011 (see the Sixth Form section on our website for more information: www.st-benedicts.org).  Our Sixth Form will accommodate up to 200 students and our curriculum will cater for all abilities, and will include the highly regarded International Baccalaureate Diploma which leads to a qualification widely recognised and highly acclaimed by all universities both in Britain and abroad.

Tim Sara

About us

St Benedict's seeks to develop the whole person.  We are are Catholic School inspired in our mission by the vision of life that is found in the teaching of the Gospel, the Church, sacramental life and in Jesus Christ, who came that we 'may have life and have it to the full'.

In striving to fulfil this mission we reflect the spirit of our patron St Benedict.  In practice this means that we seek to:

  • Encourage, support and inspire young people and the wider school community in the journey of faith
  • Create a well-ordered family community, a family of the Lord's service where everyone is valued and respected
  • Develop the intellectual, creative, physical, spiritual and religious potential of every pupil and encourage involvement in extra curricular activities such as sport, music, drama and community service
  • Work in partnership with parents, parishes, feeder schools, and the wider community in a spirit of mutual service for the benefit of all
  • Prepare our young people for life beyond school and in particular develop personal integrity, moral values and a sense of justice so that they 'act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with God' (Micah 6:8).

Our well-established Maths and Computing College status has enabled us to develop skills and competencies across all curriculum areas in relation to maths and ICT.  

Our second specialism in ‘Applied Learning' is allowing us to build on the school’s current strong commitment to vocational education through the SWIFT programme, by providing applied learning opportunities at all levels and strengthening links with other schools, providers and the local community, pre-16 and post-16.

Facilities available

The St Benedict's Sixth Form will open its doors to welcome Year 12 pupils in September 2011.  This purpose-built facility will eventually accommodate up to 200 students in Years 12 and 13.

This exciting development will be of major benefit for all young people in South Warwickshire and beyond.  This provision will enable students to pursue post-16 studies within a Christian setting and will offer a wide range of study options. 

Our core provision is the International Baccalaureate Diploma.  This is a world-recognised, highly respected qualification which is an excellent alternative to A levels.  Also on offer is the Diploma in Information Technology (Level 3 qualification), the ELEVATE course which will enable students to increase their Level 2 qualifications, and a range of Foundation courses which will be tailor-made to the student's needs.

Learner support

Every pupil matters at St Benedict’s. 
Under the guidance of our Head of Pastoral Care, our form tutors are responsible for the welfare of the pupils in their form. Their role is pastoral - they support, encourage and praise pupils when appropriate; should issues arise, a referral system operates with the tutor being the first point of contact for parents.
Our dedicated Special Needs team ensures that every child, whatever their particular need, is appropriately supported to enable them to experience a full range of curricular activities and opportunities.
See attached ‘Options Booklet’ for both ‘Core’ and ‘General’.
Additional Brokered Opportunities
St Benedict’s is fully committed to the Local Authority’s vocational provision - SWIFT (South Warwickshire Initiative for Training). This enables Key Stage 4 students to attend local colleges to access vocational courses that are not offered within the traditional school timetable.

Learner success

Our GCSE results for 5 A* - C including English and maths are as follows:
2010 - 76%
2009 - 76% 
2008 - 68%
2007 - 68%
2006 - 74%
2005 - 69%

For full details of our attainment rates and other information such as absences, click on the 'DCSF' link to the right hand side of this page.  This takes you directly to the DCSF website.  


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